
Checkup Time

So this morning I went back to The Marsden for my next checkup.   As in tradition, arrive, have bloods taken and then head off to the canteen for some breakfast before my appointment. Still that weird feeling of being back, but every time, feeling more and more confident it's all still OK.   Looking around, seeing others like me who are there for checkups, others clearly there for the first time. The knowing smiles, the smiles of reassurance, the genuine want to break that terribly British thing - and speak to a total stranger - and give them some form of hope that they are in the best place and hopefully everything will come good.   So I get called in and I wait in the small consulting room.  Standard questions around health, are you well? Any problems ?  Are your hands still cold - no - as it's hot outside - but when it gets cold - I'm gonna need to get those hand warmers again ! And then she closes the curtain - time for her to have a fumble.  A reminder - that

So it's been a while

So - I've realised I haven't updated this for a few months - so thought I'd give a quick update. Since the Marsden March, life has carried on as normal.  An enforced change of job due to a restructure see's me working for an IT consultancy now - mostly working out of client sites - currently based in Kent - which means I get to travel in the car and not on the train or tube - happy days !! I've had one lot of tests since March, which were all clear and obviously I'm delighted - My next checkup is actually next week - confident that everything will be OK still but there is always that feeling niggling away that you don't want to be too confident...... After a two week break away, I returned to pre-season training with Sutton and Epsom last night,  I feel a bit broken this morning - but I guess it's only a good thing - get healthier and fitter - just the morning after aches - which I'm sure will subside at some point - probably just before t

Giving Something Back

Something I decided I wanted to after my treatment was to do something to say Thank You to The Royal Marsden for everything they have done.  The treatment, the support, the care they provided to me will be something I will never forget. So like thousands of others, I decided that I wanted to do The Marsden March - to try and raise a few hundred quid..  I was quickly told by Nat and the Boys that they wanted to join me.  So we all signed up and were offered a place.   So in typical Dan preparation - about two weeks before I decided to have a practice walk - I went out and did a quick walk.  Hour and a half later - I had covered 6 miles and my legs were throbbing.  I decided that was enough and saved all the rest of the practice walks for the main event ! We were fortunate enough that the snow melted before the Walk and the forecast was cold and a bit wet.  Lewis and myself got the coach from the RM in Sutton to the RM at Chelsea and finished our preparations. Pre walk pee, collect

CT Scan, More Bloods, Chest X-Rays and more bloods !

So then - 2018 - the start of a New Year, leaving behind the bad things and taking some memories forward.   So last week (end of Jan), I went back into the Marsden for a CT Scan, Chest X-Ray and the regular blood tests. The weird thing is, I then had to leave and that feeling of 'not knowing' lurked around for a week....   So in the week leading up to results and appointment day, I thought I would start to prepare myself for the Marsden March. So I went for a short walk to blow the cobwebs out.  OK - so that walk ended up being a 6 mile power walk around the local roads and park !  I felt really good at the end of it, so was really pleased. That was yesterday - today I feel like my legs are about to fall off !  Aching shins are the main issue - but still happy I managed to knock 6 miles out.  I'm sure I will get another walk or two in before the day - will take Lewis next time to get him ready - and for me to prepare for him moaning his legs hurt..... Anyway - resul

Goodbye 2017

As you can imagine, I'm looking forward to forgetting 2017. It's not really been the year I want to remember in a hurry - but with some reflection, it's also a year I do want to remember. Obviously, the diagnosis of testicular cancer in February and the subsequent treatment and everything that went along with it would make anyone want to write off the year. But what really sticks in my mind, are the good things from 2017.  Yes it all went a bit wrong at the start, however, to discover the love and support from family and friends has just simply been amazing.  Friends I haven't spoken to for years, old school mates getting in touch to say hello and to see how I am.  Seriously - it's been amazing.  The support of my family has just been unreal.  The support of our employers, amazing.  Away from "Me" - the Boys have worked really hard at school and fortunately, there seems to have been little impact of what I've been going through on them. Academica

Back to The Marsden

So this week started off with a phone call from the appointments team, confirming my Urology appointment for Friday.  It's that phone call that remind me of what happened to me this year. It's that phone call that suddenly makes me inwardly worry....... The reason why - it's back to The Marsden week.  The week when I have to go back, have blood tests and whatever else they decide to do.  It's the only time I really think about what has happened to me and the massive looming question of "What are the tests going to say" - hence the reasons behind my worry. So as usual - I rock up at The Marsden for my bloods after doing the school run and meet up with Gethyn - #ChemoFriend - in the bloods room.  By change (only because he buggered his dates up), he's also back in today. So we have our bloods taken and we head off to the canteen for a breakfast and a bloody great catchup.  I spoken via text over the past couple of months but today we got to properly ch

Back on the Pitch

So, today I achieved what I set out to do right at the beginning of all of this....... I played my first full 80 minutes of rugby. It was a target I set myself on Round 1, Day 1 of chemo - "preseason training starts today".  I had a run out a few weeks ago in a pre-season tournament - but that was only a couple of 20 minute halves.  So on Saturday - I played the full game - not an ideal situation - I wanted to start with maybe just a half -  but hey - it can't be that bad right ?! So - we played a very strong side - I play for our social team - we played the opposition 2nd team !   Aching and bruised but I absolutely loved it ! Happy doesn't come close to describing how I feel right now. If I look back at what my energy levels were like - it seems hard to imagine I would be doing this today. Looking forwards, match fitness is the next target and more games and training to help that happen.  To add to the desire to get fit - we've decided to give someth