CT Scan, More Bloods, Chest X-Rays and more bloods !

So then - 2018 - the start of a New Year, leaving behind the bad things and taking some memories forward.  

So last week (end of Jan), I went back into the Marsden for a CT Scan, Chest X-Ray and the regular blood tests. The weird thing is, I then had to leave and that feeling of 'not knowing' lurked around for a week....  

So in the week leading up to results and appointment day, I thought I would start to prepare myself for the Marsden March. So I went for a short walk to blow the cobwebs out.  OK - so that walk ended up being a 6 mile power walk around the local roads and park !  I felt really good at the end of it, so was really pleased.

That was yesterday - today I feel like my legs are about to fall off !  Aching shins are the main issue - but still happy I managed to knock 6 miles out.  I'm sure I will get another walk or two in before the day - will take Lewis next time to get him ready - and for me to prepare for him moaning his legs hurt.....

Anyway - results day.  So as part of this visit, I have also agreed to help with some research into the one of the drugs I was treated with.  The Professor is doing something with the Cisplatin drug I was treated with (one of three) and they have asked if I would help with the research.  All I need to do is give some blood samples, complete a questionnaire and have a hearing test.  Easy enough.

So went to The Marsden this morning and met up and did the questions, and had blood pressure taken, weight and height, then I met with Doctor.

The news was good, Chest X-Ray, CT Scan and bloods all report as normal. Happy, Happy, Happy !!! The Doctor also checked me over, poke and prodded about and she said all was OK.  So I was free to go - and I'm due back in May for a blood test.  

I was then left to just get some bloods taken.  So today was the longest wait for bloods so far - almost two hours !  So busy in there today and not helped by someone having a "moment" whilst having blood taken.  But was interesting to see that nobody was getting angry or stressed - everyone just dealt with it.  

So that was me, bloods taken and now - well nothing - they have what they need, I just need to do a hearing test at St Helier Hospital sometime soon and then they do their research.  OK - I gave up some time to do it, but they do the work and help develop the drug or information that is delivered with it. Why you wouldn't help I don't know...

So, that's it - all done until the next set of tests.  

Although now the have the news the scan is clear, we need to have a chat with Ollie.  We told Lewis everything as he was old enough to understand, but Ollie wasn't quite there last year when this all started. 
However, he's been asking questions about the Marsden March and why we are doing it and who's name are we going to write on the t-shirts....Also asking more questions about my hospital appointments.  

So - as hoped, we have good news to tell him when the time was right, that Dad is OK and is fixed....... - no time like the present eh ?


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