Giving Something Back

Something I decided I wanted to after my treatment was to do something to say Thank You to The Royal Marsden for everything they have done.  The treatment, the support, the care they provided to me will be something I will never forget.

So like thousands of others, I decided that I wanted to do The Marsden March - to try and raise a few hundred quid..  I was quickly told by Nat and the Boys that they wanted to join me.  So we all signed up and were offered a place.  

So in typical Dan preparation - about two weeks before I decided to have a practice walk - I went out and did a quick walk.  Hour and a half later - I had covered 6 miles and my legs were throbbing.  I decided that was enough and saved all the rest of the practice walks for the main event !

We were fortunate enough that the snow melted before the Walk and the forecast was cold and a bit wet.  Lewis and myself got the coach from the RM in Sutton to the RM at Chelsea and finished our preparations. Pre walk pee, collect the freebie snacks and water.  Was good to see (ok wave) to The Gifford's and to see my mate Nick and his team (all dressed in Star Wars Costumes) - strong effort !

The walk was at a decent pace and it was only when we approached the 5 mile to go mark that we started to feel a few aches.  We met up with Natalie and Ollie at the 5 mile to go (also the shorter walk start) and our team was complete.  

Car's driving past, hooting their horns, waving and cheering their support for all the walkers was so encouraging.  Apart from the coach that drove past and let off the air-horns and scared the shit out of everyone !  Friends came to see us in Nonsuch Park to give their support - it really makes the difference. But I couldn't stop as I could already feel my legs ceasing up !

The last mile or so was hard, mainly as the pavements narrowed and the volume of people grew and the pace slowed down, but we got to the end. Just as we turned into the ramp down to the RM Sutton, I looked up and saw the window I remember looking out from whilst I was and in-patient. I had a little moment to myself...........

Crossing the finish line brought a massive smile of relief and happiness.  All the way around - my phone had been pinging with more money being sponsored and wishes of support.

So we finished the day of exercise with a great big fat burger and a drink.  I had planned to have a beer, but they were in the car, it was cold and I was knackered !  Before we headed back to the car, was good to see Fraser from Sutton and Epsom - a fellow prop in the Extra B's who had made a sterling pace - I think Danger promised to sponsor the fastest out of the two of us - Danger - best you sponsor Fraser !

So we got home and I had my beer and a bath but man I was hurting - but it was worth it !  I think we all went to bed before 9pm Sunday night - I was having issues functioning - so painkillers and sleep were needed !

We originally set a target of £500 - but then soon decided I wanted to raise £1000. 

We have been supported by family, friends and work colleagues and we can't say thank you enough to everyone for their donations. Including the matched funding from Natalie's work - we have raised £3,220.50 - amazing !


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