Checkup Time

So this morning I went back to The Marsden for my next checkup.  

As in tradition, arrive, have bloods taken and then head off to the canteen for some breakfast before my appointment.

Still that weird feeling of being back, but every time, feeling more and more confident it's all still OK.  

Looking around, seeing others like me who are there for checkups, others clearly there for the first time. The knowing smiles, the smiles of reassurance, the genuine want to break that terribly British thing - and speak to a total stranger - and give them some form of hope that they are in the best place and hopefully everything will come good.  

So I get called in and I wait in the small consulting room.  Standard questions around health, are you well? Any problems ?  Are your hands still cold - no - as it's hot outside - but when it gets cold - I'm gonna need to get those hand warmers again !

And then she closes the curtain - time for her to have a fumble.  A reminder - that when you have undergone treatment like this - you actually forget about dignity and it becomes normal having a complete stranger rummaging around.....  clearly for professional reasons only.

Today - I actually asked what she was checking for and it's all to ensure that there are no issues post surgery, making sure nothing is untoward and also checking my lymph nodes in my groin.  The good news - it's all good and I return in 4 months for my next checkup. Only thing between now and then, is to have a chest x-ray at the beginning of December. 

Before I left, I headed up to Kennaway Ward, where I was treated,  to say hello and to leave some choccies.  When I arrived, there were loads of retirement banners everywhere !  So I went in and was told it was Maria's last day as Ward Sister. I was taken down to her office and warned she might get a bit emotional.  As promised, I walked into her office and she blubbed as she gave me a huge hug!  

Was good to see her and the other staff on the ward - and it was nice to see that they weren't massively busy - that can only be a good thing.  

So it's back to work for me today and looking forward to the next few months of rugby !



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