Round 3 - Day 1 - Back to The Marsden - The Final Round !

Today is the start of round 3 - or as I like to think of it - my last round of chemotherapy !

Actually had a bit of a lie in this morning and woke up about half 7 - best get ready for the day !  Shower, shave off the bum fluff that has pathetically grown over the past 2 days and admire the hair that has grown back since Friday when it was all shaved off.  Shame it's all about to drop out again ! At least I know it grows back quickly !

So I call up as normal to check my bed is available....... Yes it is - BUT - we are full - so you are on Oak ward this time.  WHAT? No room at the inn ?? I instantly get the hump. Why me? Why did I get the short straw ?  Seriously unimpressed.  Then I was given a reality check, it was Oak ward or they cancelled my chemo.........

So we dropped the Boys at our friends house en route - thanks Lindsay for having them and taking them to lunch x.

Upon arrival - I go via Kennaway Ward to drop a massive bit of sarcasm about being rejected, the unwanted patient etc etc - message received I'm not happy about being lobbed elsewhere - and I'm shown through the doors from Kennaway - to Oak - literally the other side of the door !  

I've been told I can visit anything I want - just need someone to open the door.  Gethyn - yes - my "Chemo Friend" (see previous posts), is in - but in Kennaway - but literally in a bed just the other side of the door. Pleased to say he's well and I know we will see each other as much as before - just need to visit to have a chat.

My ward is for drug trials primarily but they often take overflow from Kennaway.  The staff on this ward are just as lovely and obviously know their stuff, I'm just missing the familiarity of the staff from Kennaway.  Could be worse - I could be at home waiting for a bed !!!  When I came in, the other three beds were occupied. But they were day cases.  They have all gone, so I'm currently in a room on my own.  So hopefully I will get some decent sleep once the chemo is done.

So I've started my chemo and the pump is chugging away, 10 hours of fluids and chemo today.  I should be done by about 1am / 2am.  

Nat came back to visit me tonight as Nat's Mum came round to look after the Boys.  Was lovely to see her tonight but she's headed home for dinner now.

Just been handed over to the night staff - who have just offered to make me a cuppa - I'm loving the night staff already !!  

Day 1 - Last Round - almost done 👊😁


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