So I guess it's back to normal life.....

So after the wait for the CT scan results, the happiness and the jubilation that I've been told no more treatment. The focus is on getting back to normal life.

I've spent the weekend with Cubs and Scouts at their camps and Nat is away having a well deserved few days away.

I'm knackered !  Had a couple of late nights and on top of everything else this weekend, I think it was a bit much.  I'm OK, just need some more zzzzzz time !  Couple of early night needed me thinks !

My hair has started to grow back, maybe the grey ones come back first ......... either that or it might be a reason for the "just for men" hair dye ! We shall see !

The cold that has been lurking for weeks has finally done one !  About bloody time !

Went to the office today and has a good catch up there but was reminded that I still need to take it easy and be sensible.  Which I am and will continue to do so for the next few months.


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