Round 3 - Day 8 - Chemo Day

Feeling much better today !  Woke up to the wind and rain howling around outside and glad that my own bad patch had cleared away from yesterday.

It's nice to be starting to feel as though I am headed back to the "normal" zone again - heading that way anyway.  Still tired - clearly - as expected Round 3 has taken my energy levels down another level - so I'm being really careful.

Today is chemo day  - the penultimate one.  So the standard routine - get up, and get to The Marsden to have bloods and obs taken before being called back to have chemo when it's all approved.

However - my car decided that it didn't want to work !  Battery dead !  Of all the days, in the rain - a dead car !  Fortunately - Colin over the road came to the rescue with his jump leads - however - it meant pushing the car off the drive to get the battery connected.  That was hard work !  Energy levels zapped before I've even started !  Cheers Colin !!

So I had my bloods taken and headed home to wait for the all clear to come through for chemo - which came mid afternoon.

So I headed back to the Marsden and met up with Gethyn for a catch up before we were cannula'd up and eventually the chemo was released and we were given the drugs.  We both met a new chap today who was on his Round 1 - Day 8 treatment - so effectively two whole rounds behind us. It was nice to meet him and talk about how his treatment is going and the symptoms he has verses what we have / had experienced.  Nice guy - see you next week hopefully.

Chemo went through without issue - some excellent targeting by nurse Aimee today - straight in the vein first time.

An early evening tonight, I have an early morning appointment with a bacon sarnie, mates and a rugby match.


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