Round 3 - Day 7 - A New Week

So it seems like yesterday was my "bad day" - a good nights sleep and I wake this morning feeling OK.  Aching, but not miserable like yesterday.  I don't need to be in that place - so it can stay as yesterday.

Breakfast and showered, removed the pathetic chin growth that has appeared over the past few days and I feel clean and ready for the new week.

Noticed that my hair is growing back quite well - then noticed a load fell out when I showered !  Bugger !  Oh well - it's still growing and it's not all grey !

Worked this morning but I became tired very quickly, so stopped and had some lunch - nice salad, healthy food - the way forward !  

After lunch - it all went a bit wrong - my body decided that it was detox time. Clearly the backlog of the last round of chemo from last week was time to clear - I've gone from one extreme to the other !  Put it this way - I feel a lot lighter now !!  Not something that I've had until now - so here's hoping that's the only incident !

Dry toast and a banana, lots of water and a nap - that helped !

Quiet afternoon and then everyone returned home from work / school / inset day out with Carolyn and it's normality.

Early dinner - let's hope that stays where it should and an early night !

Penultimate Chemo tomorrow !


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