Round 3 - Day 5 - It's the Weekend !

A decent night's sleep, with the standard peeing interruptions and we are up and ready to head back down to Airhop to meet Alan and family.  Feeling OK this morning, 

Glad we went for the 10am session and not earlier.  Was nice for the boys to catchup and have a bounce about while we had a coffee.  Was nice to see Alan's mate Mazza who also popped in as he lives locally.

After our session we bid our goodbyes and we headed home as they prepared to head back home.  We grabbed some lunch en route and then got home to clear out the cars.

We are in the process of getting a new car, so having to clear out the old one and clean it up before we sell it was needed.  13 years of "useful" things I've discovered today in that car.  That was hard work - and the inevitable sleep happened late afternoon before an evening of TV and dinner and relaxing with the boys.

Slow day planned for tomorrow as I'm very aware I'm approaching the cycle "Danger Zone" - so plan to try and keep ahead of the curve if I can.


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