Round 3 - Day 3 - Last day as an inpatient

Finished chemo at about 1:45am this morning so got some half decent sleep in between 2am and 4:30am, then had to pee and then slept until about 6ish.

A fine breakfast of sausage and bacon sarnie, weetabix and loads of tea followed by a shower and I'm ready for today.  Chemo scheduled for 1pm, so should be able to escape by 6pm. Let's see how the timings go today !

Had a very productive working day today, working from hospital does work while waiting for your chemo to start !

Chemo started at about 1pm, which worked out well - as I managed to sleep for most of the time - which helps kill the time - but also helps me recover - double win !

So by the time 4pm came around, I'd had a couple of hours sleep and had packed my bags.

Was given my take away bundle of drugs and injections and Nat came to collect me.  Normally I stay in for the night of day 3, due to the timings - but as I'd started early - it was easier for me to be at home.

Just the best feeling in the world to be at home, your own comforts - and to come home to this is just a mega bonus ! Thank you Kirsten and Lottie xx

While the food in The Marsden is nice - it's not Nat's cooking.  Home cooked food is just the best - so I had dinner and then I promptly fell asleep on the sofa for ages !  (sorry!).

Looking forward to tomorrow, taking it easy, but seeing my Brother and his family tomorrow for dinner.  

Home Sweet Home - and another step closer to the end of the final round.


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