Round 3 - Day 21 - Officially the last day - and Scan Day !

The hottest day of the year and officially my final day of round 3.  

It's also the day I'm booked in for my CT scan. The scan that will be checked by the medical team to see if the chemotherapy has done it's job.

So made myself busy with work until I had to head off for the scan late afternoon.  Roasting hot day, I headed up to The Marsden and checked into the CT waiting room.

Was met by a nurse who made sure I was ready for the scan - that's when I was reminded, I would need a cannula - as I'd have a dye added during the scan.  Oh well - been a week since I've had one !

So - once that was in - I was taken down to the scanning room.  Was then told that the dye would also make me want to pee and would make me feel hot. Oh good - perfect day for it !

Anyway - dye in, Scan done and cannula out.  It was all over in a matter of minutes.  So now just the wait until I meet the doctors on Friday for my clinic appointment and the results.

So I head home and what to do - it's hot - so self prescribed cider with ice - the only way forward ! Also - made sure I drank a few pints of water to get the dye out of me !

Today is also a landmark.  3 Rounds of chemo now officially done. 63 Days, Done.  

Now to make myself very busy until Friday !

Fingers crossed !


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