Round 3 - Day 15 - Chemo Day - last one !

So today is the day - the final dose of chemo !  Although the round doesn't technically end until next Monday, for me - today is a landmark.

I dropped the Boys at school and headed up to The Marsden.  Had my bloods taken as normal along with my obs and then returned home to await the call for me to go back in once the blood results are back and my chemo has been approved.

Busy day with work - in between trying to sell my old car which is slowly starting to die. I knows it's being sold, so is being a complete git and now doesn't want to work at all !  

Got the call to head back for chemo late afternoon. It was like a pit stop.  Cannula in, drugs in, cannula out.  

BOOM - chemo done.  Didn't really get a chance to catchup with Gethyn.

We both have scans over the next week, mine is on Monday 19th.  We both will find out the results in clinic on 23rd - roll on next week ! Fingers Crossed !

So until then - drink loads - water for now - and now the chemo is done - I can start to work my way back to full fitness - by definition - fitter than what I am now - I haven't been fully fit for a long time - decades !  However - my master plan is still in place.

Pre-season rugby training starts next month.  I don't expect to start straight away, but do plan to get my way back to fitness - albeit gradually and under strict direction from the doctors.  

Day 57 complete 👍


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