Round 3 - Day 14 - Monday

Feeling "Normal" again today - which is how I hope to feel from here on in.

Still not much beard growth going on but shaved off what was there - maybe in a hope it will get something growing again soon !  Hair is starting to grow back on my head - just waiting to see what colour it is and if it's curly.  Hoping to avoid the afro look !

Dentist the morning, so planned to drive there - however - my car decided that was a daft idea and refused to start for me, so I cycled to Worcester Park and back.  First time on my bike since before the operation in March.  Comfort - that was fine - however - man I'm unfit !  Pleased I did it, but need to start on some gradual rides to get me ready for the new season.

Spent the remainder of the day working as normal and functioned as "normal".  Plenty of fluids tonight as tomorrow they need to find that vein for the last cannula for chemo.


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