Round 3 - Day 12 & 13 - The Weekend

So - it's going to be a short update.

The weekend is here - I still have a bit of a cold - but apart from that - I'm feeling completely normal.

So the weekend has mostly been taken up by cutting the grass - then having a kip as it was hard work !

Hosting a BBQ  for friends - managed a couple of beers - but ended up on a cup of tea about 9pm.   Surely my beer tolerance must increase at some point !!

Sunday morning was spent at the Scouts HQ - the Exec team had organised a cleanup morning.  My contribution was hedge trimming - for a bit anyway - as my arms started to ache as I was using muscles I hadn't used for a while !  Anyway - it looked good afterwards !

The remainder of Sunday was doing bits at home and then a family dinner - then watched the F1.

Looking forward to this week.  Last chemo on Tuesday !


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