Results Day

Funnily enough - I woke up early this morning. Today is the day we visit clinic and we will find out the results of the CT scan.

So we got to the Marsden early, had bloods taken and had the traditional breakfast in the canteen.

So - 10am comes around quickly - and we meet with one of the Doctors - Ironically - the same Doctor who told us what Chemo I would need at the beginning.

He was quick to the point.  "Hi - it's good news" I switched off at that point. I almost burst with happiness.  You know when you are happy and you get that daft grin - yep that.

After lots of questions from me and Nat - the summary is :

The Chemo has reduced the tumour in the lymph node sufficiently that they can't see it anymore,  The tumour markers in my blood are normal.  Therefore - as far as they are concerned - it's gone.

I will be checked every 2 months for the first year for tumour markers and I will have another CT scan in 6 months.

Happy doesn't come close to how I feel.  A massive relief and the pressure eased on everyone.  

I won't be given the all clear until 5 years has passed - but the bi-monthly monitoring is comforting enough to keep me going.

So - for now - we go back to normal. I work on getting back to full strength and my plan to play rugby is on track.  The Doctor confirmed cardio training is OK for now, build up to touch rugby in a month or two and then up to full contact around month 3 or 4 - depending on how my strength is. Game on !!

Thank you to everyone who messaged me today - genuinely means so much to have the support and love.

But for now - I'm off to help at Cub and Scout Camp. We have 40 kids to entertain this weekend and maybe a cheeky beer around a fire when they are in bed....... !


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