Round 3 - Day 2 - Still in the Marsden

So - a good night by comparison to previous stays.

Forgot to mention that this ward required me to do a liquids chart.  Measuring what goes in and what goes out.  So I had to pee in a jug and measure what had come out.  Seemed an arse ache but I went with it.  Reason is that they need to ensure I'm getting rid of whats being pumped in.  I could have confirmed that by the stench of my pee. Trust me - chemo pee isn't pleasant !  The other ward base it on weight.

So after peeing out 8.2 litres overnight - they have agreed that I'm functioning well and I don't need to do the chart anymore !  Proud that I still have my bladder capacity of at least 1.2 litres - which is equivalent to two pints of stella.

I did feel a bit of nausea during the night - so instead of "manning up" - I took the anti sickness pill - 15 minutes later - felt much better.  There is a time and a place to man up - midway during chemo is not the time !

Got a relatively decent nights sleep - (pee allowing) and was awake just after 6am - to pee again ! Had a good breakfast and gallons of tea and feel good.  Had a shower and am ready for the day.  

Got three new roomies today - two in for surgery and one on clinical trials - which I've discovered means they are the first humans in the world to try the pioneering treatment. Brave man - especially as he knows his cancer is terminal.  However - all nice chaps - one with his Mandarin translator, one a farmer and one that looks and sounds like Michael Caine !

Nat's Dad came to visit - so went down to the canteen for a coffee and a catchup. Breaks the day up when someone comes up.  Then headed back up for a big fat roast dinner !  Yummo !

I was told I was having my chemo around 2. Annoyingly discover that my chemo came up at 2pm and my nurse then went to lunch.  So chemo started at 3pm. I know everyone needs their lunch - just don't tell me we are starting at two - as I know I have 10 hours to go once it starts - when it's delayed - it eats into the nights sleep you are looking forward to - in between going for a pee !

Took advantage of the afternoon to get into some proper work today. Multiple projects on the go - which is good - as it's keeping me from going batshit crazy in here. Can't wait to get back into full work mode.  Missed out on a trip to Wiesbaden in a couple of weeks time - poor excuse - but last dose of chemo on the dates they want me to travel - think I know where my priority is that day !

Nat and Lewis came to visit late afternoon - was lovely to see them - and watch Lewis destroy the remaining flapjacks.  The boy doesn't stop eating ! Ollie decided he'd rather stay at Ethans - thanks Steph x

Chemo still going in, chatting with the new room mates and Gethyn. But quite tired this evening. So looking forward to getting some zzzz in before the chemo finishes.

Plan for tomorrow is a 1pm KO for the chemo - shorter day tomorrow, so hopefully can be home late afternoon ! 

Inpatient stay nearly done !


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