Round 2 - Days 12 & 13 - The Weekend

What a busy weekend.  Pleased to say that I'm back in the zone of "I feel totally normal"   albeit a bit worn out by the end of the day.

Had a quiet Saturday morning, with the only intent of doing not a lot to ensure I wouldn't run out of steam before the end of the day.

My mate John took Lewis climbing with Beefy - was nice for Lewis to get some extra climbing in outside of his lessons.  Thanks John.

At lunchtime I headed up to the District Football Competition with Ollie and my Cubs.  I was there as parent supporter as I had two parents volunteer to run the team for me and referee. Thanks Neil and Matt - you were great !  4th Ewell went into the competition as winners from last year and we wanted to try and replicate last year.  

The Cubs were brilliant. Won all of their group games and went into the final.  Played against a team of much older Cubs - "Are they Scouts?" asked one of the Cubs !   Nope- they were just big Cubs.  Big Cubs who got beaten 2-0 by 4th Ewell !  Get in !  So happy for them ! Undefeated - zero goals conceded !  Very Proud of them.

Early evening, we had Ollie's annual football presentation evening.  So we went down to Bourne Hall and Ollie's team all got their medals and certificates. A good season, playing better and better each week.  Very proud as Ollie was awarded the Managers Player of The Year Award.  So wasn't expecting that.  Well done Ollie.

Afterwards - we headed to the Willow Tree for a post awards drink and dinner.  I wasn't sure how I was going to be at this point, but was still feeling OK.  Was nice to sit down for a drink with all the football parents.  I managed to make it to 10pm - the batteries were running low. A great day - but zzzzz are needed !

A good lie in on Sunday morning was welcomed.  The plan for today - sort through all the camping gear.  Then do some gardening if we have time.

It started with Nat just clipping one of the shrubs.... we did the gardening first !  A few hours work and the garden looks brilliant.  I did need a bit of a rest at lunchtime but pleased to be out and being useful !

We then did go through all of our camping gear, making sure it's all in a good way for this summer and working out what we need to get ! It all mostly was in good shape ! Result !

We ended the day with a test of our new cadac grill - a great BBQ to end the weekend.  Everything cleared up and away and a night on the sofa before we start the week again.

Still feeling OK. Tired, but nothing out of the ordinary.  Injections have finished now, so hopefully my immune system is boosting and I'll be good for my chemo on Tuesday.  Will have to wait until my blood test Tuesday morning.


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