Round 2 - Day 8 - Back to The Marsden

A better start to the day - I felt awful yesterday, so it was pleasantly refreshing to wake up this morning and feel a bit crap and nothing like yesterday.  Still the usual aches but I've resigned to that just existing throughout this. 

So up and showered, breakfast done and ready to drop Ollie at school en route to The Marsden with Mum and Dad.  All good. So far.

Got my bloods taken and then headed back home to do some work and busy myself for the rest of the morning.  Mum and Dad have been great, helping doing stuff in the garden for me - potting a plant I should have done weeks ago and Dad dug out a dead bush which Nat has been asking me to do for months - nice one M&D !

Had a sneaky power nap just before Mum and Dad took me to the cafe.  Nice grilled chicken and bacon special at the cafe by the school followed by a medicinal jam doughnut !  Yum !  Energy levels primed and ready for the afternoon chemo.  

So work was interrupted by a call asking me to come in earlier than planned.  Result !  So off to the Marsden and had my chemo.  Quick reminder that I'm lucky I live so close and others have a long journey afterwards !  Was back home within a couple of hours.  Which meant I got to drop the kids off for Cubs tonight. 

Was nice to pop down and see everyone albeit briefly before they headed out early to climb the ropes in the trees.  Massive thank you to all the parents for helping and Rich for being the Leader in Charge for the evening.  Without these volunteers - kids don't get to do good stuff - shame there aren't more.........

Anyway - home from drop off and a lush toad in the hole cooked by Nat - I'm so lucky !  Dinner was lush !  However - tiredness started to filter back in and an easy evening on the sofa was required.  

An improvement on yesterday - well frankly - it couldn't have been much bloody worse could it. Onwards to tomorrow


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