Round 2 - Day 7 - Rough !

I was falling asleep on the sofa from 9pm last night, so eventually went up to bed around 9.30pm - I was absolutely shattered.

Spent the night up and down needing to pee... I'm starting to get used to this.  

Woke up feeling like I have the worst case of manflu ever !  Aches in my arms, legs and generally feel awful. Not felt like this so far - it' a sign !  I must rest.  

Plans for the day are to sleep and rest - "Dear work - sorry - not today".   I went back to sleep. 

Late morning I decided to load up on some vitamins. Nutri bullet time.  

Nurti bullet slops more like - I've never been one to work out measurements well - anyone been to a party at my house ? So the mixture wasn't quite as planned. The taste was good but consistency was a bit weird.  Anyway - loads of vitamins taken on board.

Mum and Dad came to stay for a couple of days, it's great to have them here.

I rested for the remainder of the day, I know what my body needs - and I've learnt to listen. Rest is key - and  the key to winning this battle.


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