Round 2 - Day 6 - A better day

Yesterday was a bit of a roller coast emotionally for me. The first time I've actually admitted to myself I've had a bad day mentally for a while. 

I think the catalyst was seeing myself in the mirror for the first time with no hair - I hated it. It's not me, it isn't me.  It put me in a weird mood the most of the afternoon and evening.  I've had short hair, but not no hair. I was snappy, grumpy and shouty Dan and Dad.  I hate myself for that.  I've put these guys through so much - they don't need this as well.  Having the post chemo requirement for senna again also didn't help the situation. Hugs before bed and apologies from me for being a git. Early night for Dan - sleep is needed !

So - Sunday morning - the start of a new day - I wake up at 5am with the rain and the determination that today is going to be a good day.  Lots of coffee to aid the senna, some fibre cereal and some fruit. BINGO ! Anyway enough information !

I watch TV for a while and then make Nat a cuppa and wake her up for the day around 7am, closely followed by the Boys waking up.  Apologies and hugs all round and all is good.  Lewis is off to Chessington for the day, we are off to the charity football tournament. So it's been raining, so we stack the car with waterproofs, wellies etc and end up in sunglasses and flip flops !

It was a great morning - the boys played brilliantly and really enjoyed themselves. Ollie scored three goals today and even attempted a couple of interesting bicycle kick attempts ! However they lost 1-0 in the semi final to the Sutton United u9 first team (the same team that scored 37 goals in their previous 4 games) - so not bad work boys - very proud.  Just hope the day raised loads of money.

We came home and had some lunch and I had a nap on the sofa - for an hour an a half !  Then proceeded to watch footie and chill out all afternoon - remembering the previous round - REST REST REST !.

Went out the collect Lewis from Chessington and then cooked the boys tea, before chilling out with a nice glass of wine and dinner cooked by Nat.

Early night for the Boys and we plan to watch a film together.

I'll get used to the temporary look, I'm still not loving it, but hey - it could be a lot bloody worse !  


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