Round 2 - Day 3 - Last Day for this week !

So - a better nights sleep last night.  Chemo finished at 2am, so was able to get some good zzz in overnight - albeit being interrupted by needing to pee every hour.

Had the usual morning weigh in to discover that I've put on more weight - nothing to do with food, cake or biscuits apparently - more so retention of fluids.  So just to make sure i'm not retaining too much fluid - I've got more drugs to make me pee even more this morning !  Oh whoop !

Had a pleasant start to the day today - I was contacted by a friend - who I haven't seen for a long time, she works at the Marsden and was in Sutton today, so it was lovely of her to pop over and stop for a chat. Thanks Jo x

While Jo was here - the nursing staff decided that they hadn't stabbed me with any needles for a while, so took some more blood for it to be tested.

Then Neil came over - to keep me company for a while. He's taking Ollie's team to Chelsea tonight to watch the Chelsea U9's train and have a nose about. I'd love to go, but that clearly isn't happening - so happy that Neil, the Arsenal fan, is doing it - nice one mate.  Enjoy !

Was also visited by the Professor this morning, he's happy with my progress and is more than happy for me to carry on.  Good news !

My final visitor was from the rehabilitation team, the clinical massage therapist.  Has a welcomed massage to take away the aches and pains.  Then lunch arrived !

Had lunch and a catch up on emails - social and work - and then ready for the planned 2pm chemo kick off today 

Nat and Lewis came up to see me as Ollie was off to see Chelsea U9's train this evening with his team.  Was lovely to have a catch up with Lewis and Nat before Lewis had to go climbing !

I had the final dose of chemo this afternoon, just 4 hours worth today, all seemed to go down well and now I get a night without being attached to a pump until the early hours !!

Slight concern that I've put on weight by the nurses, but it was the same last round.  They measure your weight before chemo sessions and in the mornings to make sure that you are peeing it out - but I seemed to have gained. So will have to check again in the morning - so may need some extra drugs to encourage more peeing.  Realistically I know the main issue is the lack of toilet action.  Chemo can make you constipated - not pleasant but that's a fact. Without too much detail I've been - but not enough. Here's hoping for better results in the morning !

Carolyn and John came up this evening for a bit to say hello and then they headed off as we (my room mates Gethyn and Andy) settled down to watch the footie.  Yes at night the Marsden wifi actually works when nobody is here !  Good old BT Sport app !

Hopefully a good nights sleep ahead.  Really looking forward to getting home tomorrow and get some rest in at home.  Remembering that this is the second round and it will drain even more of my energy. I've read back over the past Round to remind myself of limitations - and now these limits will be even lower.  

Glad I cut the grass before I came in !


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