Round 2 - Day 2 - Still here

So an early start with not a huge amount of sleep but Day 1 complete and rocking into day 2.

Good breakfast and a shower and I'm ready for the day, dozing on and off to get some extra zzzz's in when I can.  

Mum and Dad came in to visit before they headed off to Cornwall which was great.  Then had some lunch and Nat came to visit for a bit, as well as my mate Rich - who endured the train to Belmont from Wimbledon - top man. Was good to see him for a cuppa and a catch up before they headed off.

I managed to get a power nap in late afternoon, before dinner arrived and then Nat came back to visit with Steph who baked me a cake.  Gin and Tonic drizzle cake ! Visitor Rating 10/10 ! Thanks Steph x

Chemo will finish about 1.30am / 2am tomorrow morning - so a night of TV and cake ahead !

Day 2 going OK so far - here's hoping for some decent sleep tonight !


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