Round 2 - Day 18 - Got a Cold

So - I've managed to get this far through the treatment and I've got a bloody cold!!

Both of the boys have had a cough for the past to weeks and it seems that I've managed to get a runny nose. It was inevitable it was going to happen at some point !

Had another blood test today as I had an appointment at the urology clinic at the Marsden.

It seems that my blood count has dropped since Tuesday - although the Doctors aren't sure if that's from the chemo on Tuesday or from my cold.  They would expect it to be from the chemo but will have to see what my bloods are like on Tuesday when I start round 3.

Today was the day, we were due to be going camping for the weekend.  Our annual camping trip with the poppy club.  Well, that isn't happening.  I had to make the annoyingly sensible decision that sleeping in a tent for the weekend, after putting it all up, wasn't the most intelligent thing to do presently.  Energy levels low, immune system low - it was and is the right decision - however much I hate to admit it.  Another thing that I can't do that I wanted to do - however - plenty more times for us to do it !

So - we reached a compromise - we are going to visit for the day tomorrow instead.

So after work, we popped to the shops to get the food for a BBQ tomorrow at camping and prepared all the stuff we need for the day.  Really looking forward to going !!

Quiet evening again - energy levels low, full of snot and tired. Not going to let a bloody cold take me down - not let the chemo do it so far - not letting a bit of cold beat me. 

Bank Holiday weekend ahead - looking forward to some time with friends and family x


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