Round 2 - Day 16 & 17 - Normality

It's when I manage to work a complete day and then only remember I'm having chemo when I look in the mirror, that I realise how lucky I've been so far.

To the point that I'm combining Day 16 and 17 into one blog entry.  

Sorry to be boring - but nothing happened that's even remotely interesting.

Got up, worked, ferried kids around, had dinner, went to bed.  That's pretty much it !

The only real reminder is the bald head, remembering to slap on the factor 50 each morning and OK, maybe a bit more tired than normal in the evenings - but I'll take this every day.

However - very aware that I'm going back in next week for round 3 - yes round 3 already - bloody marvelous !  - so need to ensure I'm in top condition and ready to take what I hope will be the final round.


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