Round 2 - Day 1 - Back to the Marsden

So unlike the first round, I knew today was going to be a day of observations, blood tests, being stabbed with needles and eventually having chemo.  So I told Nat to go to work and save her the sitting around all day - and John gave me a lift - Thanks mate.

I was planned to be in a room with two beds - the other was for Gethyn - yes my Chemo Friend ! However - I was ejected to another room, as they needed it for isolation !

So here I am - in Bed 2.  Gethyn also was moved opposite me.  Same drugs, same cycle - we even had identical blood pressure readings last night. You know what they say about women who live together......

So - after selecting my meals for the day, met the doctors and all was good to proceed. Result.

All started about 4.30pm and then the marathon started. Time for loads of fluids to be loaded into me and the peeing marathon to start - every 40 minutes once the seal was broken.  I can hold a lot more lager than that normally - just hope the threshold is temporarily low.

I got some sleep on and off overnight.  In between bags of fluid and getting up to pee every 40 mins.  

Eventually finished at 3am. So was unplugged from the machine and I was free !! I managed to get some sleep but had to take an anti sickness tablet at 4.30am.  Feeling very bloated and uncomfortable, but the sickness feeling eased and I slept until half 6 when it was time for obs and blood pressure checks.  

Round 2, Day 1 Complete.


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