Round 2 - Day 9 - Jab Day !

Starting to get back into the swing of things.  The "normality" has started to return again.  I must say - it's a very welcome return !  Feeling that rough hasn't been part of this treatment so far and I didn't enjoy it much !

I know I've been very lucky so far with how I've felt but the reminder is always there. Lurking !

Mum and Dad went home today - been great having them around to help and just being here. 

I've worked most of the day, no naps happened. Although my planned longer walk was cut short due to the awful weather. 

Steve came back today, for the next round of my injections.  He hadn't seen me since the hair went.  I was greeted with "Hello Kojak - or is it Dr Evil".  Bastard :)  

Something struck me yesterday that made me really think.  I'm a bloke, who has always had short hair and I've struggled over the past week about having no hair.  How the hell must it feel for a woman, who maybe had long hair to the middle of their back, suddenly having none.  Perspective. 

Had a quiet evening and was feeling OK but a bit tired - so decided to boost my iron levels with a cheeky Guinness.  

Cheers !

Day 30 of 64 done  - almost halfway


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