Day 21- Round One Complete

So - today is Day 21 - the last day of the first round of chemotherapy.

The reason I wanted to write this blog, was for others to understand my personal journey / help others through their own journey - but also for me to look back and remember what happened and how I felt over the past few months, but also for how I felt during the chemo process.

Looking back over the past 3 weeks, lessons learnt are that I don't have as much energy as I like to think I have, I need to rest, I can't do everything I want to do.  This is temporary and once I'm fixed and I've recovered - I can do anything I want.

So, today - my last day of round 1 - I worked from home and prepared for the next round - which starts tomorrow.  Typical preparation, such as cutting the grass, cleaning the fish tank and emptying the bins - as they are "Blue Jobs". Then packed my clothes, work laptop and ipad.  I've been given my bag of goodies to take by Nat - a selection of snacks, drinks etc.  I'm ready for the next round.  

Now I know what to expect, it's not too daunting - what is unknown - is how I am going to feel after the next few days.  After the first few days of round 1 - I was tired, so with my energy levels already low, how am I going to feel ?

I'm under no illusion that round 2 and 3 aren't going to be as easy as round 1 has been. Maybe I got lucky, I'm not complaining - but round 2 may give me a reality check.

We've already cancelled our camping trip for the end of the month. Gutted - I love that annual trip but I need to be sensible.  Day visit will be the only option this year.

But - we look onward and as we move onto round 2 - the good news is - I'm a third of the way through the treatment, 21 days down, 42 days to go.........


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