Day 19 & 20 - The Weekend

By comparison to previous weekends, this was a quiet weekend. No match for Ollie on Saturday and no rugby for Lewis on Sunday - oh how I've looked forward to having my Sunday's back ! The summer break is always nice.

During the day on Saturday, we headed out to Horsham for a drive to the big camping shop down there as they had a show on.  Had a good nose around the tents but came away, as planned, with a new cadac for our summer holiday. Oh and a toasted sandwich maker - love a gadget !  Was nice to get out and have a drive with the family, round all the country lanes but even that wore me out a bit.

Later that afternoon we dropped the boys at Nat's Mum's for the night as we were going out. So disco nap and then get ready to go out.

Yes - I'm having chemo and I'm going out for beers !  Something I didn't think would happen. Although, to be fair - nowhere near the normal levels of booze consumed - on my part anyway - couple of pints of water have never been included in my drinks plan with the Poppy gang - but the jager bomb at 11.30pm got me though until 1am - then the batteries started to run out !  Home Time !  Unlike some who were still going past 4am !

I really enjoyed going out "as normal" - but another reminder of my energy levels are rubbish.

Sunday saw a nice lie in which recharged the batteries but a very relaxing day was needed to ensure the batteries didn't drain again.  

Conscious of my planned hospital return on Tuesday, so relax, rest and drink loads of water. We spent the day, getting everything ready for the new week.  We did a supermarket run, to ensure food was in for the week - although a classic case of me being tired and not concentrating - managed to leave a massive bag of shopping at the checkout - which we only realised about 15 minutes after getting home !  Cue a dash back to the shop - where they had put it all back - so Nat had to remember what was missing and get it all back off the shelves and freezer !  Sorry Nat x

We also had to make sure that the plans are in place for who's picking up who and when, how the kids are getting to clubs, making sure Cubs is sorted for Tuesday - so by the end of the day - we were both knackered !

Early night for the Boys and a film for me a Nat.  Lovely way to end the weekend, knowing that this week is going to be manic - not for me - as I'm headed off "back to the spa" as Nat calls it - with my table service food, tea and coffee on demand, nursing staff on demand -  while she is charging around making everything work at home. Said it before - but without her - we would be lost. xx


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