Day 17 - Hair today........

Went to the office today - on the basis that I'm feeling OK and that I have no chance of doing it next week.  Was actually nice to have a change of scenery and to catch up face to face with everyone.

Decided to depart just after lunch - not through tiredness - mainly as the bloke sitting next to me arrived with a massive cough and cold. I just don't need to be catching that !

On my way home, I rubbed my eyebrow as it was itching - itch gone - as were quite a few eyebrow hairs ....... hmmmm.  So I tried the same on my head - same thing - a few hairs on my hand.... it's starting to fall out.  

I did wonder when it would start - normally around the three week mark apparently - well that is next week - oh well - that's the next "wonder when that will happen" question answered.

I've always had my hair short, but the thought of it all falling out, is suddenly a bit scary. I know it will grow back. It's temporary and it could be a lot worse, so I'm going very short tomorrow in preparation for it going !


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