Day 15 - Treatment Day

So back to normality after the Bank Holiday weekend.

Had a reminder from my body yesterday that I'm still part of this marathon and energy levels are limited.  I tidied the sheds up - was only out there 45 minutes and was completely knackered at the end of it.   Message received - too much !!

Anyway - a good nights sleep and back to normal today !

Went for the early blood test to miss the rush - great idea eh !  Me and everyone else it seemed - I arrived for my blood test, to take a ticket and wait for the 35 people before me to have their bloods taken. I went for a cuppa !  When I returned - I checked and there were still loads waiting - then I heard something brilliant "Anyone having IV chemo today?"  "Yep" said I - "Go straight through". Winner !!!!!  So bloods done - and back home until later - and do some work.

Went back for my 2pm appointment, met with the Doctor who went through the normal questions, asking if I had any sickness, upset stomach, temperature, illness. No to the above - I feel "Normal".  He was pleased and my bloods are still good and I'm fine to proceed for treatment - once I've had a chest x-ray.  

Eh, what? Whats wrong ?  Nothing apparently.  It's standard - they wanted to get a baseline image of my chest - standard apparently. Phew !  So that took about 10 minutes and then went back and had my chemo.  

No trainee this week for the cannula - experienced nursing staff.  First attempt - top of my hand - cannula in - "but it won't go right into the vein" (reminder at this point I'm not the greatest fan of needles - let along having one half in and being wiggled about).  I left her going for about a minute and then unintentionally must have given her the filthiest of looks. Cannula out - "sorry, I'll let someone else have a go".

Next nurse, second attempt - straight in - the side of my wrist - man that hurt !  I just hope that next Tuesday when I come in, they find a nice vein on the top of my arm like they did before !

Anyway - cannula in, next dose of chemo in, cannula out.  Job done.

Felt fine enough to go to Cubs - so was lovely to go down there tonight to see everyone. 

So that's the last of the drugs for round 1 !  Day 15 of 21 complete - the end of round 1 is in sight.


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