It's no fools day here

Now we knew what was going on, I desperately wanted to tell the Boys.

I sat down with Lewis and he got full line and verse - he's old enough and intelligent enough to understand.  His first question ?? "When does it start" - I explained the dates and timescales and then explained this was the reason we were telling him now - as we finally knew all the information.  I made him promise to ask us if he had ANY questions and to not google anything about it.  He agreed.

I then had to tell Ollie, that was going to be a totally different conversation.  

I explained carefully that I needed some medicine to get rid of some bad cells and if he had any worries to ask me and Mum. I said "Now this medicine might make me tired and feel poorly and make my hair fall out."  His response was classic... "Well that's just stupid - having medicine that makes you poorly...... can I go on my xbox now?"  He's happy !

Boys know - which mean we can talk about it - not openly, but not top hide what's going on and the best news to both of them is yes - we are going on holiday next week. 

Happy House !


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