Day 8 - Return to The Marsden

So - Day 8 - inside the "danger zone" of days 7-10 - and still feeling OK.

I'm a week in, pleased that so far - I'm OK.  From reading lots of other stories, many have felt like crap by now, I just am tired and ache - I'll take that - although I am under no illusion it might get worse.

After dropping Ollie at school with Alan, we went for the best preparation for the day - down the Ewell Cafe for a fry up.  Marvelous!  Just what I needed before we headed to the Marsden for my Day 8 blood tests. 

These blood tests along with some checks are to ensure I am OK to take the next part of this stage of the treatment.  Fortunately, not a massive queue as I was seen fairy quickly.  The fry up clearly helped - as my veins were on good form. "Ooh - an easy one" as he lanced my vein with the cannula - bloods done.

I went up to let them know I'd had my bloods taken and it was confirmed for me to return at 2pm as scheduled.  I'd hoped that I would see Richard, the chap who was in the next bed to me - as previously - we had discussed about what drinks we wanted with dinner one night - he wanted a San Miguel - so I had one with me....... however - he went home yesterday ! Pleased that he managed to go home, but sad I didn't get to give him a beer and say hello.  It's in my fridge !

We took the scenic route home and went up onto Epsom Downs for a bit of air - its was bloody freezing ! So the plan of a walk was curbed and we headed home for me to have a few zzzzzzz...  Which happened very easily !

Spot of lunch and then back to the Marsden for 2pm where I found out the plan.

I had to meet with the Doctor, who would make sure I was OK - no problems or issues so far and to check my general health and then report back on my bloods.  Advised the Doctor that I was OK, tired, occasional pin and needles but no loss of feeling or sensation - if that changes must report it back.  He checked my breathing as today the drug I was having can impact your breathing.  All OK.

So - the last bit - blood results.  "They are good.  By now, we expect to see a drop in white blood cells but your count is still good".    Clearly the fry up helped ! Or maybe the other healthy food Nat has been cooking as well maybe helps.  

The actual process today was easy by comparison to the other days. I went it and was asked if a trainee nurse could do my cannula.  I had no issue with this - I mean where else are they going to practice.  She did a great job and was brilliant as to how she did it.  Hardly noticed - I did mention at the end I hate needles ! She laughed. 

Anyway - chemo time. One shot of fluids and then chemo - 5 minutes.  All done. 

See you next week !  Now if it all all that easy !  Rest tonight and see how I feel tomorrow.  


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