Day 7 - Should I stay or should I go ?

Monday morning - the day when most of the working population lets out a small groan when the alarm goes off.  Same in this house !

However - my initial thoughts were if I were going into the office today.

Day 7 - 10 is when my white blood cell count is likely to dip / be at it's lowest and when I am likely to feel like crap.  This morning I feel normal (as I can be).

So - I take my time, get ready, have some breakfast and do leave for the office after the school runs have gone.  Nice quiet drive to the office and it was nice to be welcomed back by my colleagues, although I was gently reminded - "Great to see you, but you don't have to be here".  I knew that - but I wanted to prove a point to myself that I could do it if I wanted to !

I lasted until lunchtime, was OK but knew the batteries were getting low - so decided to eat and get home on the energy rush.  I decided to have a power nap - an hour an a half later I woke up.  

Listen to your body !

My Brother Alan arrived this afternoon - which was superb.  Haven't seen him for ages - so spent the evening catching up - until I passed out at some point on the sofa - leaving Alan and Nat doing the catching up.


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