Day 6 - Mission Complete

I set myself some targets for the weekend and although I exceeded those targets, I realised that I really need to be sensible. 

On the day of the London Marathon, I have woken up to the realisation that I am indeed running my own marathon -  which for those that know me - running isn't my thing !  

I have just started my treatment, I'm on Day 6 - of a 21 day cycle - I have to do this three times over-  it will and is already getting harder. I now am starting to realise that my energy levels just aren't there. As much as I think / wish / want them to be. 

Ollie did his first Parkrun today - my advice to him (as a pro athlete clearly !) - take your time - start of at a good pace so you make it to the end.  Son like Father - straight out the trap and knackered before half way ! He gathered his breath and got going again and ran to the end. Never give up.  So proud of him though and he's looking forward to beating his time next weekend.

I however - was also tired - a short walk across the park and that was hard work. Two weeks ago - I was walking around the Cornish coastal footpath with no issue - warning bells starting to sound ! 

I came home rested, took a nap for an hour and then we headed over to Weybridge for the S&E U13's last game. Something I was determined to do this weekend.

I took a chair and Nat suggested that maybe I actually used it to sit in rather than hold my coat and didn't coach and let the others get on with it.   I used the chair - for about 5 mins before KO !  Then was active on the side of the pitch for most of the game.  Just can't help myself !

Anyway - a really tough game - lost 65-45 on a very hot afternoon. Kids did themselves proud - and all coaches immensely proud of their season.

So now home, tired but not exhausted, chilling on the sofa and an early night awaiting.

No real sickness feelings,  just tired - which I can take as a blessing I guess. Only noticeable difference is the chilli crisps are quite spicy all of a sudden when they weren't before...

Work tomorrow ?  Who knows ?  The plan, is to make it to the office - for me to get there and do my meetings face to face. Why - because I'm not going to give in - But all well and good getting there - I need to get back !  Let's see what the morning brings - one day at a time. Alternatives - work from home or just rest. Will see.....

Looking forward hugely to tomorrow afternoon - my Brother, Alan, is coming to stay - haven't seem him for ages and really looking forward to having a hug. Times like this, it's good to have your Brother about  x


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