Day 3 - The Marsden

After the breakthrough of working out that snacking is the way forward, I'd showered and met the doctors and worked the day from The Marsden.

Mum and Dad came up to visit again before they headed home.  It was nice for them to be here when the Doctors did their rounds and for them to hear the progress was good. 

Then I was visited at lunch by Nick L. from Scouts - a good man, and a welcome visitor. It was good to see him and catchup - while I stuffed my face with my Prawn Cocktail, Cumberland sausages in onion gravy, carrots, green breans followed up by upside down pineapple sponge and custard. 

After Nick left, I had a series of conference calls to while away the afternoon. 

The first of which was a team meeting. Being the only team member in Europe, i felt it important to remind them that I still exist !  So I joined the call - my Boss sounded confused "Oh Dan - you joined ?  I wasn't expecting you to join us - but you are most welcome"  

I explained where I was to the team and how I was getting on and then was reminded of the philosophy of the company "Health, Family then Work - in that order" 

The message is clear - get well - then work.

I then had to cut my afternoon meeting plans as my chemo was brought forward to start at half three.  Today's menu was smaller just Etoposide - 4 hours worth and a bit of rehydration. That finished at about 8pm. So that's me done for day 1,2 and 3. We agreed I would stay in this evening, just to make sure that I was OK after this batch and I would head for home in the morning.

I have drugs to take home and injections to make at home - I hate needles - so have enlisted my personal paramedic Steve to pop in and do these for me.

Nat came up again this afternoon with the Boys - it was lovely to see them, it's horrible being in here without them and not being at home to help out. Nat has been charging around like a nutter, picking the Boys up from school, getting them here, feeding them and getting Lewis to climbing on time, then Carolyn coming round to look after Ollie and pickup Lewis - while she comes to visit me tonight.

She is my rock and I love you to bits - I couldn't have got this far without you Nat - xx


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