Day 11 - Clinic appointment at the Marsden

Today, I had an appointment for bloods and the urology clinic at the Marsden. 

Feeling "normal" again today - which I'm clearly pleased about - the only change I have noticed is the reduction in beard growth. Normally I have to shave daily - the requirement has reduced massively..... Guess I'll save on blades for the time being as well as haircuts soon !

Nat came along to the Marsden and after an early blood test, we had some breakfast and waited for the bloods to be tested and for my appointment.

Whilst waiting, we met with Jason, the friend of a friend and my Whatsapp go-to for daft questions.  He was in for a checkup, so it worked perfectly to meet face to face and chat.  It's reassuring to meet the face behind the chat - when you see the guy whos had had a similar dose of chemo - had a bald head - rocks up with a full head of hair and a beard !  Hope your check up went well Jason.

Very happy with output from my appointment.  Doctors are pleased with my progress. They are pleased I seem to be "normal" - apparently that is allowed to happen !  My blood results are good - my white blood count is slightly lower than normal (to be expected) but in a good place.  

Best bit - the tumour markers are back to normal - as in no signs of anything bad - which also means that the lymph node that the scan showed up, isn't triggering any tumour markers. Happy Cookie !

So - over half way through round 1 of 3 - I carry on as normal, doing what I have been doing and next checkup will be before I start round 3. 

Good news to go into a long weekend.  Ollie's last match of the season and S&E Community day on Sunday for Prizegiving are on the plan - but as ever - although I feel normal enough today - I'm under no illusion that tomorrow, could be a different story......


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