The Wife Knows Best

I was at home this particular Friday, so accompanied my Wife to the supermarket to do a shop. It was while we were there, she asked about the lump in my neck - one of my glands had come up.  

So I relunctantly called my GP - funnily enough - no appointments available today - when asked if I thought it was urgent - I was prompted that I either see my GP or I go to A&E.  

I was given an emergency appointment with my GP late afternoon.... It will be fine......

So - I arrive at the GP and go in and tell him how this lump had come up in my neck and I wanted it to be checked out - diagnosed as a lymph node - and agreed it was probably related to the bug that had been going around and it's the bodies natural defense, no requirement to panic.

Then a long Pause...............................

Breathe............. "While I'm here Doctor" - I'd done it........ now get on with it.

"Would you mind checking my testicles?  I'm not sure that everything is right. " 
"Of Course" says the Doctor.

I then explain how I thought it was a rugby injury and It will be fine and go away - but it hadn't just gone away - and wasn't fine.....

The Doctor checked me over and all around my groin and then asked me to get dressed and take a seat. While I'm getting dressed, he asks me a question.... 
"Any idea's what you think it might be ?"

"It could be anything" I say, "But you always think it will be fine".

I sat down in the chair and the Doctor said

"I think you may have testicular cancer"

My world fell apart immediately......

How do I tell my wife?
How do I tell my kids?
How do I tell my employer - and the new employer I haven't started at yet?
Am I going to die?

This was not in the plan for 2017 !

The Doctor was brilliant and advised he would arrange a referral for me to see a Urology Consultant at a local hospital.

I drove home and broke the news to my Wife. She cried, I cried but agreed to keep anything from the kids until we knew what was going on. We told our families - imagine that phone call "Hi Mum - guess what......." It was horrible.

I had several drinks to numb the idea that this was really happening.....

OK - I need treatment...... maybe it will be fine?.....


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