Beers with the Boys

Your friends will always be there through thick and thin.

I am proud to say We have so many good people We can call friends - the type of people who will do anything - and I mean - anything - for you.

So on this particular day - I went out for beers with one group of chaps. We all met via the collection of school Mums who met when our kids first went to school together - The group collectively founded "The Poppy Club" -  "The Poppy Boys"  were also established.

The Poppy Boys - a mixed collection of individuals, varied roles of work - but all love a beer and a curry.

So - we met in the pub - we had beer - and I broke the news about my diagnosis. Foolishly, I should have waited until they were all there and had to explain it three times !  

I think it took less than 5 minutes before someone took the piss and made a joke about prosthetic testicles. You know your mates are proper mates when they take the piss over something so serious. Good lads.

We drank lots of beer that night and shared worries and concerns between each other.

Unknown to me - it was also the last evening I was to drink any beer or wine for a while...


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