
Showing posts from February, 2017

Ultrasound, CT Scan and Pre Op Meetings

Over the next week I had my scans which ultimately were uneventful.  You want to ask the question - is it cancer but they didn't and probably couldn't tell me.   Although the chap who did my ultrasound was frankly a really grumpy sod - and didn't say much apart from "If I were you - I'd be worried !" Thanks for that mate I really needed to hear that ! - and this is the first time I have shared that little gem - sorry Nat x I also had to go to Epsom hospital for my pre op meeting.  They scheduled it for the second day of my new job !  Quick phone call and they squeezed me in to the day before I started - at 7.30am - someone was coming in early just for me.  Yes - this is all on the UK NHS. A box of Roses was duly delivered to the brilliant early arriving member of staff to say "Thank you very much thank you very very much" So - we are on the right track, it's all happening...... It's going to be OK - Operation is booked in for the 9t

Meet the Consultant

Today we met the Consultant Urologist at St Helier hospital. It was quite daunting sitting in the waiting room, surrounded by MacMillan Cancer support literature.  Eventually - we were told we were in the wrong waiting room and went to the correct place and saw the consultant ! After an inital discussion, he examined me and was fairly confident we were dealing with testicular cancer, however, I needed to have an Ultrasound and CT scan for them to make further decisions. During the discussions, it became clear that if you were to choose a cancer - yes weird - but if you were- it would be the one to pick due to the success rate in getting rid of it.  Upon that news - we left and booked in the appointments for the scans.   Still in the "don't know what's going on" phase and about to boost the NHS car park fund again. But hey - we are seeing the right people - It's going to be OK.....just remember the words Craig used - "No matter the odds never give

The next day, moving on and research

I awoke with a strange feeling.   Monday, it was work and I had to get on a train and tube to Collingdale with a massive hangover.  I hope I make it without throwing up ! (I did and hurrah for the staff canteen fry up!) The best feeling was that I had shared the news with my some friends - who all contacted me that day to check on me. I would proceed to gradually tell a few more over the next few days. My wife had been busy looking up details on treatments and remedies for testicular cancer. I will say here - be really careful. Google can sometimes really NOT be your friend ! Understand exactly what type of cancer you have and the treatment aimed at you - otherwise you could get yourself very upset for no reason. One useful thing she found out was the cancer cells contain the most sugar receptors of any cell in the body.   So - from tomorrow - no sugars or carbs - we shall embark on the Ketosis diet - we shall not feed this thing!  As  a side effect of the diet - apparently

Beers with the Boys

Your friends will always be there through thick and thin. I am proud to say We have so many good people We can call friends - the type of people who will do anything - and I mean - anything - for you. So on this particular day - I went out for beers with one group of chaps. We all met via  the collection of school Mums who met when our kids first went to school together - The group collectively founded "The Poppy Club" -   "The Poppy Boys"   were also established. The Poppy Boys - a mixed collection of individuals, varied roles of work - but all love a beer and a curry. So - we met in the pub - we had beer - and I broke the news about my diagnosis. Foolishly, I should have waited until they were all there and had to explain it three times !   I think it took less than 5 minutes before someone took the piss and made a joke about prosthetic testicles. You know your mates are proper mates when they take the piss over something so serious. Good lads. We dran

The Wife Knows Best

I was at home this particular Friday, so accompanied my Wife to the supermarket to do a shop. It was while we were there, she asked about the lump in my neck - one of my glands had come up.   So I relunctantly called my GP - funnily enough - no appointments available today - when asked if I thought it was urgent - I was prompted that I either see my GP or I go to A&E.   I was given an emergency appointment with my GP late afternoon.... It will be fine...... So - I arrive at the GP and go in and tell him how this lump had come up in my neck and I wanted it to be checked out - diagnosed as a lymph node - and agreed it was probably related to the bug that had been going around and it's the bodies natural defense, no requirement to panic. Then a long Pause............................... Breathe............. "While I'm here Doctor" - I'd done it........ now get on with it. "Would you mind checking my testicles?  I'm not sure that everything is