First Game of the year

The Extra B's were playing just round the corner from my house - I had to go along and watch - with kit as always.......

To be greeted by Danger Russ "Ah Glad you are here, it's just you and me propping today, the others have blown out !"  

My first 80 minutes of rugby in over 20 years. It will be fine .........

And it was fine - until the game descended into a scrum fest.  The referee lost the game, scrums awarded all over the place, it was really hard work !  But really enjoyable but knackering.

Mid way through the second half, the second row bound in on the front row and the "squeeze" call was made as normal.

Oh my dear lord !  The second row had crushed my swollen testicle.  Pain cannot be described but once the pressure was released it was bearable.  So - as you do - I played on, asked the second row to bind to the left and it was OK - and we won.  Great result - first win against Racal Decca in a while I was told which made the victory even better.

Upon further inspection later on - nothing changed regarding the testicle but it made me realise that something definitely wasn't right - and it was getting bigger...... 

Sure it will be fine - but should get it checked out - let's sort an appointment with the Doctor...... 

Not long after this day,  it was pointed out to me by fellow prop Russ that playing rugby had saved my life - as without playing against Decca - I probably wouldn't have acknowledged anything was wrong for a long while.  Hence the name of this blog... 

Russ also mentioned that my Nat has zero grounds for complaint for me playing any future matches on this very basis....... 


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