
Showing posts from July, 2017

Hairy !

So I was told that your hair does weird things when it comes back. So far - it's not ginger - it's either grey or brown - so nothing much different from before - although a lot more grey seems to have appeared !  It's not gone curly either - to be fair - it would never get long enough to go curly ! What is weird, is that my hair is soooo soft - I feel like if I leave it I could do an advert for Johnsons Baby Shampoo !  I'm sure it will change again as I will keep on trimming it. My beard growth is back to normal - if anything it's growing a lot thicker than before and I'm pretty much back to a daily shave Still working away at rugby training.  Last two weeks have been killer - but no pain no gain.  The season is approaching - so need to prepare - OK - so going to France for a couple of weeks isn't going to help - but hey - sometimes you just need to relax and have fun !

One Month Since Chemo

So it's been a month (and one day) since I last had any chemo.  Life is good. In summary:  Tiredness has gone, daytime naps are a thing of the distant past. I'm back to work properly. Everyone got used to me not having any hair. Now my hair is growing, they will have to get used to me with hair again - albeit a bit grey and a bit baby soft.  Currently not curly or ginger - much to the disappointment of some of my mates !   I still don't have a full head of hair by any means but it's coming and I keep getting Nat to cut it back, so I have an even cut - as it grows at varied lengths ! But it's getting there and I now am just on the cusp of having enough hair to say I have a very short haircut - the hair definition is almost back !   As I've said before - I didn't like myself with no hair and although everyone said it suited me - I didn't like it.  Plus It's horrible when it rains with a bald head !  Another couple of months and that bit w

Normality has resumed

It's quite weird how intense the last few months have been.  Constant updates on what's going on as each day I felt different on a daily basis. Now though, each day is just normal life. Kids go to school, we go to work, planning our summer holiday etc.   Now I'm not saying for a second that I would rather be occupied with having loads of chemo shoved into my veins - I don't plan on having that again.  But it makes you realise how it did take over my life for that short space of time and how everything I've started to do again now, had to be done by others.  For that - I can never say Thank You enough. For me now - my tiredness has pretty much gone.  I'm working on my strength, working on getting fitter - although I will be starting pre-season training at Sutton and Epsom next week - I can't wait - new fitness coaches for my side - with the brief to make us all machines by the start of the season (oh and to see who is sick first due to training).  It