
Showing posts from March, 2018

Giving Something Back

Something I decided I wanted to after my treatment was to do something to say Thank You to The Royal Marsden for everything they have done.  The treatment, the support, the care they provided to me will be something I will never forget. So like thousands of others, I decided that I wanted to do The Marsden March - to try and raise a few hundred quid..  I was quickly told by Nat and the Boys that they wanted to join me.  So we all signed up and were offered a place.   So in typical Dan preparation - about two weeks before I decided to have a practice walk - I went out and did a quick walk.  Hour and a half later - I had covered 6 miles and my legs were throbbing.  I decided that was enough and saved all the rest of the practice walks for the main event ! We were fortunate enough that the snow melted before the Walk and the forecast was cold and a bit wet.  Lewis and myself got the coach from the RM in Sutton to the RM at Chelsea and finished our preparations. Pre walk pee, collect