
Showing posts from December, 2017

Goodbye 2017

As you can imagine, I'm looking forward to forgetting 2017. It's not really been the year I want to remember in a hurry - but with some reflection, it's also a year I do want to remember. Obviously, the diagnosis of testicular cancer in February and the subsequent treatment and everything that went along with it would make anyone want to write off the year. But what really sticks in my mind, are the good things from 2017.  Yes it all went a bit wrong at the start, however, to discover the love and support from family and friends has just simply been amazing.  Friends I haven't spoken to for years, old school mates getting in touch to say hello and to see how I am.  Seriously - it's been amazing.  The support of my family has just been unreal.  The support of our employers, amazing.  Away from "Me" - the Boys have worked really hard at school and fortunately, there seems to have been little impact of what I've been going through on them. Academica